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Photo Credit: Pending
Brought to you by Rotary Club of Guelph Trillium.
Ribfest Guelph
Riverside Park, Guelph, Ontario
sponsorship@ribfestguelph.com _ www.ribfestguelph.com
279 - 3/8/2016 11:32:45 AM  

Ribs, Ribs, and More Ribs!
Ribfest is an annual event hosted by the Rotary Club of Guelph Trillium. For 3 days at the end of August Riverside Park in Guelph becomes RIBBERside park

This event, while free to attend, asks the community to contribute a donation on their way into the park. Over the years the event has raised more than $600,000 for the community.

Rain or shine this event provides delicious ribs, first class musical entertainment, a kids area and specialized children's entertainment, classic cars, a bavarian tent, marketplace and of course delicious, mouth watering RIBS!

Mark your calendars today!
Friday, Saturday & Sunday,
August 26 - 28, 2016

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