A Warm Welcome to Guelph!
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Photo Credit: Pending
“The Royal City” 
Guelph City Hall
1 Carden Street, Guelph, Ontario, N1H 3A1
Tel: 519-822-1260
info@guelph.ca _ www.guelph.ca
293 - 3/17/2016 9:43:37 AM  


storm sewers flow straight into our rivers without treatment?

Disposing of chemicals, paints, motor oils, and other pollutants into storm sewer catch basins, sanitary sewers, or on the ground, pollutes our creeks, rivers, and lakes. A spill can also pollute soil, drinking water sources, and harm domestic animals and wildlife.

The City of Guelph Wastewater Treatment Plant does not treat hazardous waste. When these materials are disposed of through the sanitary sewer system, they can inhibit the treatment process at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Chemicals like concentrated acids and bases can corrode sewer pipes and some flammable chemicals can cause dangerous explosive conditions in the sewers.

For more information on stormsewers visit:

About City Hall
City Hall is built to meet the LEED Silver Standard (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) set out by the Canada Green Building Council. Its use of local and eco-friendly building materials, efficient lighting, its green roof and its heating and cooling systems are just some of the ways to reduce the City’s use of water and energy and lower its environmental footprint.

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